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Dr. Devin Trachman Discusses Stretches for Tight Shoulders with Peloton 

Peloton featured Physical Therapy Central’s Dr. Devin Trachman, PT, DPT, MTC, Clinic Director of Physical Therapy Central’s West Edmond Clinic, in a recent article on the best stretches to tackle tight shoulders. Our shoulders often bear the brunt of tension due to factors like poor posture, muscle imbalances, excessive use of shoulder muscles, or underlying medical conditions like arthritis or tendinitis. Incorporating shoulder stretches into your routine can significantly alleviate tension, improve blood circulation and stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system. Here’s a breakdown of ten shoulder stretches and their benefits according to Dr. Trachman.

1. Cross-Body Stretch

Benefits: This stretch targets the posterior aspect of the shoulder, providing an internal rotation stretch while also easing stiffness in the neck, back, hips and knees.

2. Doorway Pectoral Stretch

Benefits: By opening up the front of the shoulders, this stretch effectively relieves discomfort in that area.

3. Downward Facing Dog

Benefits: Strengthening the clavicle and shoulder blade, this traditional yoga pose aids. In enhancing shoulder stability.

4. Thread the Needle

Benefits: This stretch opens up the shoulders, offering relief from pain and tension caused by prolonged forward hunching.

5. Upper Trapezius Stretch

Benefits: By targeting the upper portion of the shoulders, this stretch helps alleviate tightness in the shoulder and neck muscles.

6. Advanced Upper Trapezius Stretch

Benefits: Offering a more intense release for the upper shoulder region, this stretch effectively eases tension in both the shoulders and neck.

7. Shoulder Rolls

Benefits: This movement specifically targets the rotator cuff, deltoids, and trapezius muscles, aiding in overall shoulder mobility.

8. Eagle Arms

Benefits: Focusing on the upper back, this stretch encourages better posture and relieves tension in the shoulders.

9. Puppy Pose

Benefits: By opening up the shoulders, this pose helps alleviate tension in the neck and shoulder areas.

10. Advanced Puppy Pose

Benefits: Providing a deeper shoulder stretch, this pose is particularly effective in releasing neck and shoulder tension.

If you have any questions regarding tight shoulders, schedule an appointment with a Physical Therapy Central physical therapist today. To read the full article, please follow this link: 10 Stretches to Target Tight Shoulders.

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