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5 Ways Your Physical Therapist Can Help You Age Well

Let’s be honest… we’ve all wanted to rewind or pause the clock, or grumbled about the “normal” aches and pains associated with getting older. But what if those aches and pains don’t have to be a typical part of aging? Fortunately, with the help of your physical therapist, there are quite a few things you can do to promote healthy aging. Sorry, no science fiction or time travel here!

1. Chronic pain doesn’t have to be something you learn to live with forever.

Over 100 million Americans experience chronic pain each year. That’s more than diabetes, heart disease, and cancer combined. Between lost wages and medical treatments that only mask the pain, living with chronic pain can be incredibly costly. Your physical therapist, using a combination of education, exercise, and pain management techniques, can treat chronic pain, improving your overall quality of life.

2. You can get stronger as you age.

Improvements in strength and physical function are absolutely possible in your 60s, 70s, and even 80s with an appropriate exercise program. With the help of resistance training, your physical therapist can help you work smarter, not harder, to get stronger and prevent frailty.

3. You may not need surgery, medical imaging, or drugs.

A number of conditions, including chronic pain and low back pain, are often over-treated with risky surgeries, costly medical imaging, and potentially addictive drugs, despite the CDC’s recommendation of alternate approaches like physical therapy.

4. Your heart, bones, and brain want you to EXERCISE!

Osteoporosis affects more than half of Americans over the age of 54. Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the US. One quarter of Americans over 60 suffer from type 1 and type 2 diabetes. More than 40% of people over 85 suffer from Alzheimer’s.

What’s something these four diseases have in common? Physical activity is one of the best ways to prevent and manage ALL of them!

If you’re still not convinced… nearly a third of adults over 65 fall each year and more than half report movement problems. Exercise improves movement and balance and reduces your risk of falls, keeping you independent longer.

5. You don’t have to live with bladder problems.

We know, it’s awkward to talk about. But more than 13 million Americans have bladder leakage. Don’t spend years relying on pads or rushing to the bathroom. Seek help from a physical therapist.

Interested in learning more about how our expert physical therapists can help ease the pressure associated with aging? Click here to schedule an appointment!

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