9 Things You Should Know About Pain
1. Pain is output from the brain. While we used to believe that pain originated within the tissues of our body, we now understand that pain […]
1. Pain is output from the brain. While we used to believe that pain originated within the tissues of our body, we now understand that pain […]
Physical activity, not caloric intake, is the bottom line about what happens to your waistline, according to a new study. According to an August 2014 […]
Planning a trip to go skiing before Spring sets in? Check out this article from the American Physical Therapy Association for tips on preventing knee […]
We are proud to announce that together we raised $20,000 for the Cavett Kids Foundation through the #Hearts4Purpose social media fundraiser, which ran February 1 – February 5, 2016. The money will help the Cavett Kids Foundation’s six summer camps serve 360 children with various life-threatening and chronic illnesses each year and over 12,000 children with ongoing programs.
Has anyone ever told you, “Stand up straight!” or scolded you for slouching at a family dinner? Comments like that might be annoying—but they’re not […]
Ensure that your body is ready to carry a baby by addressing before pregnancy any pain or problems associated with posture or weakness. Here are some physical […]
Working at a computer work station all day can take a toll on the body. Repetitive activities and lack of mobility can contribute to aches, […]
Cancer patients who start rehabilitation before they begin treatment may recover more quickly from surgery, chemotherapy or radiation, some specialists say. But insurance coverage for […]
We know that the amount of time we spend sitting each day wreaks havoc on our health, and in a new paper, researchers show that spending […]
Finding The Cause Of Pelvic Pain My condition first presented as a harm- less, if painful, urinary tract infection. I was on a work getaway […]